“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford.
In today’s rapidly evolving global business landscape, effective leadership has become a team sport, where the collective power of a diverse group can unlock new levels of innovation, effectiveness, and success. It’s especially true in multicultural teams, where the fusion of different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences can drive extraordinary results.
As a senior leader, you’ve recognized the immense potential of your multicultural leadership team, and you’re likely reading this article because you have yet to realize it fully.
In this article, I’ll explore the concept of relaunching a multicultural leadership team, the specific issues that may drive this decision, and how to strategically lay the foundation for relaunching to achieve higher performance, capitalize on cultural differences, and foster greater collaboration.
What Does It Mean to Relaunch a Team?
Relaunching a leadership team involves a deliberate and purposeful effort to rejuvenate, reenergize, and revitalize. It’s a time to galvanize alignment of purpose and goals, take stock of each member’s talent and experiences, and find ways to optimize their contribution. Relaunching also brings a fresh look at the short list of team agreements (norms) vital to next-level success.
It’s more than just a fresh start. It’s a strategic process that ushers in a new chapter bringing forward the best of past experiences and learning. Like a river that navigates obstacles and changes its course, the team flows through a new path, explores uncharted territories, and adapts to the ever-changing landscape.
Why Multicultural Teams In Particular Benefit from Relaunching
Multicultural teams, with their diverse perspectives and experiences, offer unique advantages. Diversity is a potent stimulus for generating innovative solutions, approaching problem-solving from different angles, and making better-informed decisions.
They can be a rich tapestry of ideas and skill sets, leading to a greater capacity to adapt to the ever-changing demands of the global marketplace, giving you a competitive edge. That said, they have unique challenges in addition to regular teaming challenges.

Multicultural teams face added complexities due to cultural differences, including communication challenges, differing norms, and values, conflicts arising from stereotypes and biases, power dynamics, conflicts of values, and time and scheduling differences. The benefits far outweigh the challenges, but it takes additional attention to bring the potential to fruition.
In particular, the trend of organizing and quickly reorganizing teams thwarts progress toward success. Team membership is often uncertain, and their time together is spent on tasks with little attention given to how the team effectively gets stuff done. Relaunching is time spent on the levers that make the team successful.
Keeping a multicultural team together long enough to achieve a substantial outcome allows them to learn how to be effective together, what agreements actually propel them forward, and what approaches are suitable and valuable in accomplishing the work.
Do you turn the page to the next chapter or read an entirely new book? Revolving membership and massively reconfiguring a team means starting over. Leaders often need more resources, time, and political appetite to make such an endeavor successful. Alternatively, you can look for the opportunity and the signals for the right time to relaunch.
9 Significant Factors Signaling the Need to Relaunch Your Multicultural Team
Winston Churchill gets credited with saying, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
While you are probably not in crisis, the sentiment still works; difficult times are the source of insights that can lead to breakthroughs and growth. Consider these factors as you reflect on the need to relaunch:
1. Evolving Business Landscape: Rapid changes in market dynamics, emerging technologies, and customer expectations necessitate reevaluating team capabilities to ensure alignment with new demands.
2. Cultural Integration: In a multicultural team, ensuring harmonious integration, effective collaboration, and leveraging diverse perspectives can be driving factors to create a cohesive and inclusive environment.
3. Strategic Shifts: When the organization undergoes significant strategic shifts, such as expanding operations, adding acquisitions, or pursuing disruptive approaches, relaunching can help align its purpose with the new direction.
4. Performance Challenges: When a team’s performance reaches a plateau or shows signs of decline, it may be time to reignite motivation.
5. Negative Team Dynamics: Toxic behaviors, lack of trust, or unconstructive conflicts can be a team hobbyhorse, damaging productivity, and morale. Relaunching provides an opportunity to reset the dynamic and create a more productive culture.
6. Evolving Organizational Goals: As the company’s goals and strategies evolve, it may be necessary to realign team purpose with the new direction and ensure relevance.
7. Skill Gaps: Identifying skill gaps is crucial for achieving high performance. Relaunching allows leaders to address these gaps through recruitment or development initiatives.
8. Ineffective Communication: Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful team. Relaunching can emphasize the importance of transparent and open communication channels for better collaboration and understanding.
9. Adapting to the Pandemic: Covid forced organizations to adapt and rethink their strategies. Relaunching can help navigate the challenges and develop new approaches for overall success.
If you nod yes to some combination of these factors, it may be appropriate to relaunch your multicultural leadership team. The number of issues and their severity or intensity are essential inputs to help you determine whether to relaunch. It’s a decision that requires careful consideration to realize a worthwhile return on your time investment.
Ultimately, leaders choose to relaunch their leadership team to address any issues hindering the team’s effectiveness and ability to successfully navigate current and future challenges.
Preparing for the Team Relaunch
Some crafty leaders intentionally leak ideas to create anticipation, test an idea, shape narratives, or influence stakeholders. The politics of an organization can dictate the way forward. However, a multicultural team needs a direct conversation about relaunching at some point, if only for the leader to maintain transparency and integrity with the team.

Effective preparation for a relaunch is pivotal in setting the stage for growth. Enlisting vs. directing team members into the effort empowers by providing clarity, purpose and sets your expectations. Confusion and uncertainty arise without adequate preparation, leading to second-guessing and potential disengagement. Thorough preparation inspires engagement and a vested interest to contribute their best to the successful team.
Before relaunching the leadership team, consider the following actions to set the stage for success:
Assess the Current State:
Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your team’s strengths and areas for improvement. Identify skill gaps, communication breakdowns, and any underlying issues. Think strongly about using a well-researched, validated, and reliable tool like the Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS) based on the 6 Team Conditions framework. An instrument like the TDS lights the path to rapidly create alignment on the vital improvement areas that lead to breakthrough performance.
Collect Perspective On Purpose:
Use a portion of your 1 on 1 meeting with team members to understand what they perceive the team’s purpose and goals to be. Are they aligned with the organization’s strategic priorities, and where are there opportunities to strengthen alignment
Develop a Relaunch Strategy:
Cultivate their investment into the relaunch by outlining objectives and timelines, and have the team or a subset of members draft a relaunch plan for your approval. I heard a fly fishing shop owner say, “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach him to fish, he’ll need to buy a fly rod, hip waders, lures, etc.” The greater the team’s investment, the more likely you will succeed.
Foster Trust and Collaboration:
Growth facilitated by relaunching requires trust and collaboration. Start down this path before you start the process, and create opportunities for team members to further mutual trust and strengthen relationships. Model open and transparent communication, provide regular feedback, and promote learning opportunities within the team.
Invest in Multicultural Skills:
Invest in developing the team’s multicultural skills. Equip them with the tools and knowledge to work effectively in a multicultural setting, including cross-cultural communication, conflict resolution, and cultural intelligence.

Relaunching a multicultural leadership team is a pivotal step toward harnessing its full potential in the global arena. By recognizing diversity’s unique advantages and strategically preparing, inspirational leaders can set the stage for exceptional performance.
Relaunching enables the team to navigate the complexities arising from cultural differences and transform them into opportunities for growth and innovation. It fosters a culture where diverse perspectives converge to drive better decision-making and problem-solving.
Moreover, relaunching aligns the team’s purpose with the organization’s goals, ensuring relevance and adaptability in a rapidly evolving business landscape. The result is a high-performing multicultural team that achieves superior results and sets a new standard for inclusivity and cultural intelligence.
Don’t hesitate to take action and embark on this journey of relaunching your team. Contact me today to explore the possibilities that await your organization. Together, we can break the mold and unleash the full potential of your team in the global arena.